Website Review: Scratch


 Scratch is an online community, a project of MIT University in USA. It’s a place where people from all over the world share their ideas with others in the form of projects. For example, if I want to share a story I wrote, I would start a project (online), type up my story, illustrate it, and then share it for the whole world to view, comment, and give feedback on it.
Other than stories, you can make art, animations, games, and many other things to share with Scratchers. And unlike facebook and twitter, this social media is a creative way to express yourself.
An advantage of it is that people from anywhere around the globe can look at your projects, love, favourite, and comment on them. You can make friends online and chat with them. And the best thing is that it is all for free, just a few clicks away.
But before you join, I’d like to give you a small advice. Many people start using Scratch to express themselves creatively, but after a while, they forget this reason and start caring only about how many love-its and comments their projects get and the number of followers\friends they have. Remember, all that is virtual, is virtual only. Always put the virtual world after the real world.

And now I would like to end, with the hope that you understand what I want to explain. If you are interested in joining Scratch, please go to and have fun. Remember my advice and if you wish, please give me your username, so we can meet over there!


  1. Masha-Allah a wonderful article on SCRATCH. It will help to create awareness among students about this creative tool.

    The line that I liked most in your article is as under:
    ALL THAT IS VIRTUAL, IS VIRTUAL ONLY. ALWAYS PUT THE VIRTUAL WORLD AFTER THE REAL WORLD. This piece of advice is very meaningful. Looking forward to read your more articles.


  2. The article's really nice. And Sratch's a great software. But I guess there are more important things to do than scratching all day long....

  3. I've never heard of Scratch before.

    Anyhow, this is a cool article

    1. Wait. I'm trying to use Scratch but every project/tutorial I click on says: This plugin is not supported.

      And I don't know what to do about it! I can't view yours and your sister's projects on blogs either.

    2. Oh....wait. MY Scratch works on internet explorer.


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