
Hey! I haven't posted here in a very long time, and might have stopped posting altogether had it not been for the circumstances we are in. Covid-19 has probably changed the life of every human being on the planet, and that too in a very difficult and frustrating way. And like a lot of you, I've had quite a lot of thoughts buzzing around in my mind, making it difficult to focus on anything. So it occurred to me that I might as well write them down - for writing helps me think better - and even post them here. So here's the idea: I will be posting on this blog more frequently than I used to, random ideas and thoughts that I think a lot about. Don't expect those posts to be very profound and well-written, since the objective is not to create fine pieces of literature but to unclog my own mind by writing about the things that are clogging it. I hope you find them worth reading - if not, you don't have to read them.

I find it quite interesting how this pandemic has made many of us return to things or places we thought we had left behind. For many people, it meant coming back home, from work, school or college. It also meant picking up things that we hadn't picked for a long time - pens, paintbrushes, knitting needles, cooking utensils - the list goes on. I, for one, am returning to this blog, apart from other things, not just to bide my time - for now there seems to be a lot of it - but because it seems to be the right thing to do.

I think it's also important to mention why I stopped posting here. Firstly, doing A levels as well as working voluntarily at my father's office didn't give me a lot of time to go back to Blogger. Then there were technical issues - Blogger wasn't working very well and I feared that Google might just end the service (especially when G+ ended back in April last year). Besides, a lot of my friends with really good blogs had stopped posting, and the loss of a blogging community made it difficult to keep going. But ultimately, to be perfectly honest, I think the main reason was that I had been so wrapped up in things that I hadn't taken out the time to create something that I believed was worth posting here. I had also been overly conscious of who was reading it, so when I did write something, I didn't post it because I was afraid of what the people who were reading this, think of me.

It's easy, however, to make excuses for yourself when you don't really want to do something, and right now, although I'm not exactly highly motivated to write and post, I will somehow drag myself to do it, because it's necessary for myself. Once you're in the flow of writing, it's easier to keep going, but once you've stopped altogether, it is very hard to come back to it. I do intend to post at least once a week for a while, or as long as I can, and then think about whether I should continue to do it.

Thanks for reading this, if you did. I know there isn't much substance in this post - it's more like just thinking out loud - but I'm glad you did, and if you continue to read more of my posts, I hope I do not disappoint you.


  1. Hey Fatima! It's great to see you posting on Blogger again - I missed seeing your posts here! The world's definitely gone crazy at the moment, but then on the bright side it seems so have brought good things as well as bad, such as finding time to do things you otherwise couldn't. :) I think this phrase you wrote there "to unclog my own mind by writing about the things that are clogging it" is the perfect way to describe that feeling! Sometimes it's good to just get things off your chest by writing about it. How did the voluntary work go? I thought that too, about Blogger being next after G+, because the Blogger team haven't made an update in such a long time. It's too good platform to ditch though! I also noticed myself that people haven't been posting on here but hopefully that'll change now everyone's at home. "Once you're in the flow of writing, it's easier to keep going, but once you've stopped altogether, it is very hard to come back to it." I couldn't have said it better tbh... it's like jumping back onto a fast-moving train that you jumped off. xD Anyway, I'm looking forward to your new posts and welcome back!! <3

    1. Ah, Kenza! Your comment really made my day! :D Thank you!
      The voluntary work has been going quite well - I'm still doing a bit of work, although not very regularly, like editing videos for their YouTube channel, which is a refreshing change after a lot of studying.
      You're right, I felt exactly the same way! But the fact that Blogger is still working means that we can continue to post, and if they do, by any chance, decide to discontinue the service, they'll probably give us a warning beforehand. And as you said, it's too good a service to ditch! Hopefully it'll live a long life xD
      You're right - this break has given us more time to write - and it actually IS like jumping on a fast moving train when you try to get back in flow! Thank you so much. :D I'm looking forward to more posts on your blogs too! :)

    2. You're welcome, I'm glad it did! :)
      Sounds awesome! Are you planning on sharing those videos here? I haven't tried video-editing yet but it must be fun! xD
      That's true. I think it's best we make the most of it either way!

  2. I don't see you these days :( Where are you? I haven't seen any post of yours in 2021! Missing them.


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