Finding your way through Stars

I wrote this article for Thinkers' Club. It is also published on it's blog along with the research work of many other members. 

To travel by using the help of stars, I think we need to understand the stars first. We’d need to know which star appears when, which stars are moving, and which stars can help us find the way. (This whole subject is called astronomy). Once we can understand the stars, we can travel by their help.

For example, if I have to go to a certain place by the help of stars, first, I’ll have to locate which star is directly above the place I want to reach. I can travel by following that star and reach exactly the place below that star.

I read a book called The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, and in that book, caravans are crossing the huge Egyptian desserts with the help of stars. Although that was just a story, people do actually travel by the help of stars. In fact, sailors use stars as their guide to find the way.

These days, this way of travelling is'nt very common and people hardly know about it. But it is important to know how people used to live and travel centuries ago. The most important thing is that we should learn about these natural things that God created millions of years ago.


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