
Sitting quietly upon a tree
For the whole world to see
When falls from her tail, a feather
And someone starts to chase her
So now she has to flee

Gathering up her courage
She flies over a cottage
Smiling over her beak
With the sun at it's peak
She finds another place to settle

This kind of poetry is called a limerick. This is the second time I wrote a limerick.
Find out more:
What is a Limerick 
My First Limerick

I wrote this poem when I was in Fatima Fertilizer Company for a week.


  1. WOW, what an imagination!

    Looking forward to read your next poems.

    Your baba,


  2. Your Limerick is so so so nice

  3. Beautiful! Simple and Sweet! You are a true poet.

  4. Nice limerick! I love the way you've added another paragraph. It makes it more challenging, yet interesting! :D


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