Have classroom teachers become less important?

A few days ago, I was going through my English notebook, which was filled with stories and compositions I wrote while preparing for my exams. A lot of them hadn't been posted on my blog, so I marked the ones that were good enough to be posted on this blog. And so, I'll be posting them here one by one. This one is an argumentative essay on the topic below. I wrote this on 15th April, 2016.

Have classroom teachers become less important with the increased use of the internet in education?

The use of internet in education is on the rise. It is accessible to everyone, to people of all ages. From school children to university level students, the internet is of great help to everyone in their studies.

Online courses can be attended at home to master any skill. Many of these courses are free, while some charge an adequate amount. Courses are offered from overseas and international universities from all over the world. People can get a diploma without having to travel anywhere at all.

The internet is a great source of information for research work. There are multiple online encyclopaedias which are frequently browsed by students. For students who want to do research about a particular brand or company, each company has its respective website.

Then, there are sites which promote self-learning. Their user-friendly layout does not require a teacher to explain how it works, as they can be explored their own. An example of this is ‘Scratch’, a programming tool created by MIT University, which is designed especially for children to learn basic programming. It can be used by individuals without any former training.

Despite all these things, I still believe that classroom teachers have not become unimportant. They have a special position and are held in high regard by their devoted students. Above all, they are living, breathing human beings, and not passive sources of knowledge like the internet.

Teachers deserve special respect, which is neither given to, nor needed by the internet. They are valued by their students, who do not consider them unimportant after the advent of internet. For a true and sincere seeker of knowledge, a teacher is far more valuable and important than the internet.


  1. Excellent work, Fatima! ^^ I love how you've concluded your final opinion at the end of the essay after presenting both sides of the argument! It's great that you've also included real facts to back up the views (like Scratch and MIT)! It's so true that internet and online courses have made a huge impact in today's world. But then, like you said, teachers are alive and real! xD We definitely need teachers in schools... otherwise who would lead? After all, computers only have artificial intelligence! So true - teachers deserve more respect! They're also the ones that give us great advice (perhaps from their own, real-life experiences). Not to mention, teachers have been around for centuries. It would be a huge shame to wipe that out. :)

    I would love to see more of your writings! (And it seems you have stories too - I'd love to read them and give them some feedback too if you're willing to share them! ;D)

    1. Thank you! Yeah, this technique, to present both sides of the argument before giving your opinion,is often effective in argumentative topics.
      That's true, the internet has made knowledge widely accessible for the public, but they only have artificial intelligence. Only a teacher can truly understand his\her student and give them what they need. Teachers certainly deserve more respect. :)

      Sure, I'll be posting more soon. :) And I'd love to read your feedback on them. :D

    2. Fatimah don’t you think there should be some logical reasons to be added for concrete details do matter. Respect of the teacher is one element but what actually he does in class , I mean benefits of his physical presence and role of his character still needs to be mentioned.


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