Gymkhana at two different times of the year

This is a descriptive essay I wrote on 23rd December, 2015. I guess if I wrote on the same topic now, my composition would be very different from this. I had to describe a place, and I chose a gymkhana we visit regularly. I've exaggerated at some points, I suppose... for example, winters aren't that intense in Karachi. But you have to exaggerate, and even make up some facts, at times, to make your writing stronger. (I wouldn't do that in tasks other than I did for the exams, though!) So here you go:

Describe a garden or park at two different times of the day or year.

North Nazimabad Gymkhana is a wonderful place for relaxing on summer nights. Its lawns are in full bloom, trees and plant displaying their greenery to their full extent. A lovely breeze is blowing, causing the leaves to make a soft rustling sound. The lawns and walking tracks are illuminated with lamp posts, and abuzz with the sounds of people talking and laughing. The air is filled with wafting aromas of barbeque and other cuisines. People can be seen chattering happily and enjoying themselves. Boys of all ages are in the cricket pitch, practising their common interest: cricket. Some boys and girls are having tennis matches in the tennis court. Younger kids are running and playing in the green lawns. Many people can be seen emerging from the pool-side, with their hair dripping wet. Some children are playing happily on the swings and slides. Everyone is having a good time.

However, the same place is quite different in winters. The air is cold and silent. The leaves are drying away, littering the tracks, causing a crunching sound when you step on them. The grass is cold and wet with dew. The cruel wind pierces your skin, making it raw and dry.

Very few people are around. The tennis court and cricket pitch are empty. The swings and slides are bare; no child is willing to have a go on the cold rides. Few people are in the lawns, huddled together for a cup of hot coffee. The harsh winter wind has forced nearly everyone into their homes.


  1. Wow this is so beautifully written, Fatima!! 8D It's so atmospheric - I felt like I was drawn right in! I love how you described the scents swirling around and the sounds ringing in the air as well as the picturesque sights. :D The way you contrasted it with the winter is absolutely brilliant! Your writing is so vivid and beautiful! It's very true that you have to exaggerate in most writing tasks... after all, they're marking you on the style of your writing rather than the accuracy in it. xD Although you mentioned winters aren't quite that intense in Karachi, I can personally relate to the winter season you've described there! It captures winter perfectly! (Here in the UK during winters, the air is so sharp-cold it's even hard to breathe it in! xD) I wish I lived in Karachi. ;-; It sounds like such a beautiful place! Gymkhana also sounds worth visiting! :D (It's great to see you're posting more writings! <3)

    1. Omigosh thank you so much Kenza! :D Exactly, I totally agree. Yeah, you've mentioned that winters are severe in UK before too. :) Yep, Karachi's an amazing city, I love it a lot... even though it has many problems. :)
      Thanks!! :D

  2. This is really interesting! You have contrasted the summers and winters quite well. It is true that Gymkhana is rather bare and empty in winter, quite opposite to what it is like in summer.
    Keep it up!


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