
We all have different personalities, different thoughts, and opinions. Everyone is unique in their own individual way. Our personality shows in the way we dress. It shows who we are, and gives an insight into our personality.

But there are times in life when we have to wear uniforms. They are basically the same kind of dressing worn by many people. They symbolize uniformity and equality among people, which is, in some ways, a positive idea. However, it condemns individuality and originality of every person, by implying that they all wear the same thing, regardless of their taste and choice.

Children start wearing uniforms once they start school. School uniforms are usually simple clothes in dull and boring colours like greys and browns. In younger classes for boys there are shorts and a button down shirt. For girls, there is usually skirt blouse. Uniforms change in older classes, for example, there are pants for boys and shalwar kameez for girls (in Pakistan) from upper Primary Classes.

Children have to wear uniforms throughout their school life. Apart from the uniform, nothing of the child’s choice is allowed to worn at school. No accessories are allowed like watches, bracelets, earrings, or even fancy hair-clips or pony-bands.

After their school life, many children have to wear uniforms in their college life as well. Not all, but many colleges have strict uniform and dress codes too. They have uniforms similar to school uniforms, but they make a person look more mature and older.

Everyone has to wear uniforms in their student life; however, some people have to wear uniforms in their professional lives as well. Think of sales-girls and sales-men, waiters, cooks, security guards, police officers, the list could go on. And then, what about formal business suits – aren’t they also a kind of uniform? Dress pants, a neat, pressed shirt, tie, coat, and polished shoes. These clothes of high position managers also seem like uniforms.

Uniforms suppress a person’s freedom of style and choice, to let you dress the way you want. They imply uniformity: that everyone is the same, however different we may be from inside.


  1. YES THIS IS VERY TRUE AND THAT IS THE REASON I DOES NOT LIKE UNIFORMS okay haha those caps tho xD but yes it is very true...

    Wait do you even know me
    I'm Maryam, from Maryam's Timeout

    And yes if you are a fan of Harry Potter, then please join this site! totalpotterheads.blogspot.com

    BONUSSSSS: you can post thingss yass

    1. and that was TOTALLY off the topic haha xD lol

    2. Hi! Omg, you've changed accounts again! XD

      I visited that site but there are no posts in there.

    3. Okay i forget to post lol but now its done ^u^

  2. This is so so so true! I absolutely despise uniforms; they make everyone look the same. You're right! All of us have a different taste of what we like to wear and different signature outfits that fit our personalities... uniforms totally ruin that. :/ Are you not allowed to have your hair the way you want in Pakistan though? Here in England, you're not allowed to have your hair down at school if it's long. XD Also

    1. ... I agree about what you said in the last paragraph - uniforms seem to revolve around a lot of occupations. D: This is a fantastic essay! You've written it brilliantly! :D (whoops, accidentally posted the previous comment XD) (unfortunately the tablet I'm on now needs to go on the charger and my main tablet has blocked every blog on Blogger ;-; I'll try and come on tomorrow though! :))

    2. Yes, that's right! It's about the same in Pakistan. Long hair has to be tied back or braided.
      Thanks a lot! That's okay... these devices can be pretty annoying at times, especially when they get stuck\hang or respond too slowly. :| Sure! :)

    3. Oh right. XD
      You're really welcome!
      Lol true! And I finally got my hands on this tablet. XD So Blogger works on here. :D

  3. dude...this is pretty true but uniforms...nahh i dont think it's a good idea of uniforms...if anything bad happens in the school how would u know who did it...nice try though...

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