Weather Conditions

Here is a writing I did on the topic: 'Describe the best and the worst weather conditions that you remember.' 
Feedback would be appreciated.

The best weather conditions that I remember having experienced were during my trip to Muscat, Oman in January 2014. It was winters, and was the best winters of my life.

The weather was pleasant and was further enhanced by the lovely sea breeze. The mornings were cool and windy, but not cool enough to cuddle into your blanket indoors. You could go for a walk outside, maybe to the beach nearby and enjoy the weather there, listening to the sounds of the waves splashing against rocks.

The afternoons were warmer. It was usually hot and sunny. You could enjoy the hot weather with a cool drink, perhaps under an umbrella at a park.

The evenings were a bit cooler with a lovely breeze blowing. It would be a complete waste to spend them indoors. The best way to enjoy them would be to for a walk to the beach, or a park nearby. Many people would be seen having a picnic under the pale blue sky, watching the sun beginning to set.

The nights were chilly enough for sweaters. However, that didn’t make one want to remain indoors. The cool night opened opportunities for outdoor entertainment. You could play outdoor games at any park or playground.

From the cool, breezy mornings to the chilly, windy nights, these were truly the best weather conditions that I remember ever having experienced.

The worst weather conditions that I remember having experienced was the heat wave in Karachi. The temperature shot over 45 degrees in the month of June in 2015. It was the Islamic month of Ramazan in which many people were fasting, in which some even became seriously ill and dehydrated. Going outdoors in the daytime was quite risky. In fact, many deaths were caused by the heat wave in cases where proper measures to prevent a heatstroke weren’t taken.

Mornings, afternoons, and evenings were all hot. It was slightly better at night sometimes, but mostly, you just couldn’t stop sweating. Even worse, the people were faced with electricity shortages and power cuts several times a day! With no fans and Air Conditioners to cool them down, people could be seen fanning themselves with newspapers and books. Kids would be spraying water at each other, and no adult would object; in fact many would be doing the same.

Taking a shower would provide some relief, but you’d soon be drenched in sweat again. In this terrible heat, some people went to the extent of putting pieces of ice on their heads to cool down. I don’t blame them; it was natural to do a thing like that, such as pouring a glass of cold water over your head for relief.

These were honestly the worst weather conditions I remember. I do hope never to experience such extreme weather again.


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