My Workshop Announced: Mind Games

Hello Readers! My workshop has just been announced at ERDC. This will be my second workshop which is 'Mind Games for Kids'. I will be conducting it alone this time. It is for kids aged 9-13 years (so I'm sure there'll be no one older than me there!) and will be on Saturday, January 16. In it, I'll mainly play games with the kids. One game that I'll introduce is Chess. I'll introduce Chess to those who don't know much about it, and the ones who already know can help the others. Then there'll be Chess matches. I'll also introduce Sudoku, and give Sudoku puzzles to kids (the easiest level). We'll play Twenty Questions (guessing game), word games, maybe crosswords and solve other puzzles.

I hope it will be successful and that the kids enjoy. I really hope that it will be better than the blogging workshop. If you have any ideas for any games or puzzles that I can include in the workshop, do leave a comment about it. I'm looking forward to any suggestions as well. :)

Here is the flyer of the workshop. It's also shared on ERDC's Facebook page.


  1. (Sorry I didn't see this earlier! D:) This sounds so awesome!! :D (I wish I could attend your workshops! XD) It must've been SO cool! It's great that you gave your time to help people learn to play chess and other interesting puzzles/games - some people only know how to play video games these days! XD How did it go?

    1. (That's allright!) Yes it went pretty well. :)
      That's so true. When I did a round of introduction in the beginning, I asked each child to tell their favourite games. And many kids told names of their favourite mobile and video games!

      Btw, I'll share a write-up about my workshop on my blog soon. :)

    2. Oh gosh, I saw that coming! XD It's great that you introduced them to different forms of games! :D
      Awesome, I'm looking forward to seeing it! :)

  2. Erm, do you know chess is haram in Islam?


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