Previous Artwork

I was recently going through my old art-pads, and I realized that I used to be a lot better in art than I am right now. Here are some of  the pictures I liked, so I'm sharing them here. I drew\ painted them sometime in September 2013.
Click on each pictures to see it in full screen mode. Enjoy!
A scene of a forest I painted.

A beach and a Coconut tree I painted.

A Coconut tree and a bench. I drew this using a 
black felt pen and coloured in it with oil pastels.

A lamp post. I sketched it in a park, and painted it at home.


  1. OMG! Wow! Please be more active on scratch!

    1. Thanks! Can you please tell me who you are on Scratch? Or that's okay if you choose to hide your identity.

  2. Omg. September 2013? Okay, let me just tell you something. You were tons better than I was then. Honestly, these are amazing, Fatima!! 8D I LOVE how you did the third one! I can't draw coconut trees like that even now! :O (The one I did in the picture of Tanya is garbage compared to yours!) The beach and forest scenes are really beautiful (and vibrant!). And the lamp post is really artistic - you've drawn the design of it really well! :D There's also a tip when drawing landscapes (I thought you might find this useful)... you know when you look really far into the distance, everything seems to fade slightly? Well, in art, people tend to colour the further parts of the landscape in a lighter colour and the closest parts in a darker colour. Maybe you've already heard of this, but if not, I just thought you might like to try it out. It's your choice of course though. :) Anyway, I'd love to see more of your artwork - you're a natural! (I know this comment is so long, but I just thought I needed to tell you how awesome these are! :3)

    1. Well, yes, thanks a lot! (I was pretty surprised myself when I saw these! I guess I used to draw more often back then, so I was good at it. Maybe I should draw more often..) Oh no, please don't compare your art with mine, since yours is so awesome! I really liked the one you did in Tanya, with the textures and shadows. Omg, thanks so much! I just love your comments. :) Thanks for the tip; I'll try it out it in my next artwork! Oh thanks a lot! And thanks fr the long comment; I always love reading your comments! :D (Even if I can't write a reply as long as yours!)

    2. You're really welcome! Yeah, you should! They say that if you keep practising at something (anything), you can be a master of it whoever you are (so I try my best to do at least a little every day :D). Well so is yours! But thanks! <3 Aw thanks! I still like the style of yours better though. XD You're welcome - and likewise! No problem. Haha, well I have a habit of making really lengthy replies and I can't help it. XD I thought I needed to tell you how great these were too!

    3. Yes, that's true. Oh, so you practice drawing daily? That's good, you know, since you're already so good at art, and each time you post something, it's better than before. :D Well thanks! I know it's your habit! XD

    4. :D Yeah! It doesn't have to be something big... just a couple of doodles in a separate art book of mine even... and sometimes I just practise drawing hands or eyes. XD Thank you! I'm so glad you think so. <3 Your art is really improving too, you know! Haha yeah! XD

  3. Hey, you were great then! But you're great now, too. What I noticed in all these drawings was that you've made sceneries and things, not people. you've painted most of them too(and I'd like to add, very neatly!). Maybe you're better at these things. Perhaps you should try art more often-I still insist you are (and were) great!

    1. Thank you very much! Yes, you're right. But I do enjoy drawing people too.

  4. Dear Fatima, I am glad to find your previous art work here. Hope all of your previous work will soon be available here.


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