Sonnet on 'Chess'

Here is a sonnet I wrote on 'Chess'. It's my first sonnet, hope you like it.
And by the way, I've broken the rule of putting ten syllables in each line. I didn't know we had to and I had already written the whole sonnet before I found out the syllable restriction. I'm just posting it here anyway, but I promise to share a perfect sonnet soon!

Chess is a wonderful game
It causes you to think
It isn't at all slow and lame
And is over before you can blink

It makes you think mathematically
And you learn from different situations
You have to use your brain, totally
It's been played around for generations

White is the opponent of black
Black is the opponent of white
There's plotting and killing between the white and black
It's all a great big fight!

But more than anything, chess is a challenge
Where you have to show your revenge


  1. Great sonnet! Chess definitely uses a lot of knowledge. :D I love the rhyming words you chose. Sonnets are really hard to write! >.< (I've only ever managed to write one) But they're always worth writing! There's also an interesting website,, with lots of different poetry types if you're interested in checking it out. Anyway, keep it up!

    1. This link might work:

    2. Thanks for the link. I think I've visited this website before, but I'll check it out anyway.

    3. Thank you so much Kenza for your encouraging comments!! Yes, sonnets are hard to write.
      I really love playing Chess. Do you? I wonder if we can ever have a game online... XD

    4. No problem! It totally deserves it! Yeah, I love chess! It's one of my favourite board games. Lol, that would be fun! XD What's your favourite chess character? I think mine would be the queen, because she can do all the moves. :D Didn't chess originate from Arabia? I think I read that somewhere.

  2. Good start! After reading your poem the first thought that came to my mind looks something like;

    If I ever write a poem or
    Try to play chess
    It will end up in a total mess

    I don't know what language experts would call it. But at least I can rhyme in the above line ):

  3. I just wanted to say Happy New Year! If I'm right, there's 15 minutes of 2014 left for you. :)

    1. Happy New Year to you too! 8D The time and date shown when you posted the comment (above) is '31 December 2014 10:47'. Does it say the same thing where you live?

    2. :D Yeah, same thing here. I've set my time setting to GMT+0000 I think (it's the time zone in the UK). So maybe we have the same setting. Although I'm pretty sure I sent it earlier than that, because I think you're 5 hours ahead of us... I don't know. XD

    3. I don't know, yeah, you're right, I'm probably 5 hours ahead of you, (I studied the map to find out!) I'll never understand these time zones!!
      And I think there's something with the blog settings as well. I didn't post the comment (reply) above at 2:30. I remember that it was after 3 o clock where I live at that time!

    4. Haha, same, they're all really different. XD Okay, so in the UK, the time I posted this was 19:17. Let's see if it works. :)

    5. Nope, it didn't work. It says 11:17... that's the time zone in the US... maybe there isn't a setting for time zones on comments. :P

    6. Yeah, maybe there isn't a setting for that. We've tried hard enough to figure out the time each comment was posted. I suppose if we want to tell each other the time we posted the comment, we'd better mention it. For instance, right now it's 8:22 pm in Pakistan.
      Isn't it pointless?! :|

    7. Hey! I've figured it out. It says 7:24 in the comment above, and I posted it on 8:24! So, I'm one hour ahead of the standard time.

    8. Yeah... I'm not entirely sure how it works. Here it's 7:35pm in the UK at the moment I'm writing this. I'll see what happens when I post this...

    9. It says 11:35... that's exactly 8 hours before my time zone. Before it was 6 hours... that's strange... It keeps changing!

    10. That's strange. Let me try again. It's 9:18 here, so it should say 8:18 when I post this.

    11. Yeah, it says 8:18 for me too! O.o We must have different times on our comments...

  4. Centre pawns are the most valuable in the opening and middle game. Passed pawns are the most valuable in the endgame, especially if they are on the opposite flank, a long way from the opposing King.


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