Presentation on Nutrition

Hello everyone! I'm sorry for being so inactive lately. I had a lot of things to do, and was especially busy with my studies. What I'm sharing right now is also something study-related.
This is a Powerpoint presentation that I made while studying the topic 'Animal Nutrition: Diet'. I enjoyed working on it, and am sharing it in the hope that anyone else studying Biology may also benefit from it.
Thank you.


  1. Wow I loved reading this presentation Fatima, it was very informative! It was especially interesting for me since I didn't actually sit a biology exam (I chose chemistry and physics and sat them early last year), although I do recognise many of the terms from chemistry and my previous knowledge of biology. How did your exam go? :D

    This presentation is very well structured and simple to comprehend. I love how you set it out with interesting points about each nutrient and what a lack of each one can cause. I personally found the pages on vitamins very interesting and I didn't know that fibres could help against cancer! The facts you've included are really engaging. :) It looks like you must've spent a lot of time and effort writing up this presentation... did you put it together whilst in revision? Great work!

    I heard that biology required lots of memorising am I right? I seem to remember chemistry also needed much memorising for equations and chemical reactions too. xD Which GCSE/O-Level subject did you enjoy best/recommend overall? :D Keep up the good work Fatima! <3

    1. Thanks a lot Kenza! The science subjects are somewhat related to each other; while studying Chemistry, I came across some concepts that I had already studied in Biology. I gave the Biology (and Maths) exam in May, they went pretty well. :) I'm waiting for the results now, which are arriving on 10th August. So how did your exams go? Are you done with your GCSEs now?

      Thanks! I was actually supposed to learn all the stuff about the nutrients I described in my presentation. And I decided that I might retain it better in my memory if I make a presentation on that topic... and yes! I actually put it together in my revision. Thanks! ;)

      Yes, biology does requiring plenty of memorizing. You have to memorize definitions, and other stuff (like why you need carbohydrates or protein in your diet), but it is more about understanding the concepts. If your concepts are clear, you wouldn't have much trouble memorizing the stuff.

      I personally enjoyed studying English Language the most, as I like reading and writing. What about you? Thanks! :D


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